Friends of Chatterley Whitfield Newsletter
Friends of Chatterley Whitfield
Newsletter April 2013.
Chairman Don Munro 01782 536566
Vice Chairman Jim McPhillips 01782 637963
Secretary Alex Cope 01332 862710 e-mail:chatterleywhitfieldfriends@gma
Treasurer Geoff Oakes 01782 533576
Welcome to a very delayed Winter/Spring Newsletter for which I apologise.
As you can see from the above at our AGM in November there were a number of changes to the committee. After many years Jim asked for personal reasons if he could step down as Chair and Don superbly stepped up and was voted in as our new Chair. For almost the same reasons Mick stepped down as secretary and Alex stepped up and took over as secretary. Geoff remains as our Treasurer.
I am sure we would all want to thank Jim and Mick for their amazing help in keeping the Friends together and in help making the Annual “Heritage Open Day” such a success. A hearty thanks to them both. You will also be gratified to know that both of them remain loyal and active members of the committee, which is the best possible outcome.
One major change decided at the AGM is good news for the members. Annual fees have been reduced from the 1st of January. See more later.
Before we go onto the interesting stuff I would just like to say that winter and spring have brought a number of sad events to the members of the committee. Our thoughts are with them during these difficult times and it is an amazing tribute to them that they have all continued to support the Friends. Again, thank you and we all have been thinking of you.
At the end of the AGM we were privileged to be given a beautiful hard backed portfolio of pages listing those that died in the pit. It was done as a project by Angela Gilder, a superb contribution to the archives of Chatterley Whitfield, Angela, thank you so much. If any of you want to see the pictures, I have a DVD of them and the original is safe stored off site. The project was for Angela’s Masters Degree and was in photography, here are a couple of examples of her work.
Great News! As we speak a new Web-site is being designed for us by the Students of Staffordshire University. We decided that the old website was difficult to keep up as few of us knew anything about adding information to it, so your committee made a commitment to have a new, easy to use website. None of us felt competent to do this and so we invested some money in getting the young (well 18 -24 year olds) students to develop a new website. This should be up and running in time for information about the next heritage open day. The committee, on your behalf have visited the university on several occasions to help the students understand our needs. In the end 11 different designs were offered for selection, each one had thought of ideas that other groups hadn’t and it was a difficult choice. I said to
Alistair the lead lecturer, “I could work easily with any of them”, so well done to the students, a great job thank you
To cut cost down, would members like to send their e-mail addresses to Geoff Oakes,
e-mail on front page, thank you.
1. Heritage Open Day 14th September 2012. to be confirmed. WE NEED YOU TO VOLUNTEER!!!!!
2. Apedale Heritage Event 15th 16th June we will be represented, more info from Jim Worgan.
3. Moseley Railways “Tracks to the Trenches” 12 -14th Sept 2014
4. Next Committee meetings to be held are, Thursday 2nd May 2013. and
Thursday 4th July 2013. at Chatterley Whitfield at 10:00am.
Returning to subscriptions, it was decided at the AGM the subscriptions should be reduced to £5-00. However, despite this huge reduction very few of you have paid the new reduced rate, so come on people please pay up. We have to live with Geoff getting set at the state of the bank account!!! The money is used to support the heritage day, the newsletter and for teas/coffee/ soup provided for anyone who wants to turn up to our Thursday meetings. Why not come along!!!!!
The cost of subscriptions will be as follow:- £5-00. Each for everyone children free.
Corporate members is still £50-00.
Don’t forget Heritage Open Day 14th September 2013. We need you to help with guiding, marshalling etc. so if you think you can give up some time to help us. It is always a great day and the general public who come along all say how much they enjoy it. So come on and join a happy band of people all ready to make 2013 even better then 2012.
Newsletter April 2013.
Chairman Don Munro 01782 536566
Vice Chairman Jim McPhillips 01782 637963
Secretary Alex Cope 01332 862710 e-mail:chatterleywhitfieldfriends@gma
Treasurer Geoff Oakes 01782 533576
Welcome to a very delayed Winter/Spring Newsletter for which I apologise.
As you can see from the above at our AGM in November there were a number of changes to the committee. After many years Jim asked for personal reasons if he could step down as Chair and Don superbly stepped up and was voted in as our new Chair. For almost the same reasons Mick stepped down as secretary and Alex stepped up and took over as secretary. Geoff remains as our Treasurer.
I am sure we would all want to thank Jim and Mick for their amazing help in keeping the Friends together and in help making the Annual “Heritage Open Day” such a success. A hearty thanks to them both. You will also be gratified to know that both of them remain loyal and active members of the committee, which is the best possible outcome.
One major change decided at the AGM is good news for the members. Annual fees have been reduced from the 1st of January. See more later.
Before we go onto the interesting stuff I would just like to say that winter and spring have brought a number of sad events to the members of the committee. Our thoughts are with them during these difficult times and it is an amazing tribute to them that they have all continued to support the Friends. Again, thank you and we all have been thinking of you.
At the end of the AGM we were privileged to be given a beautiful hard backed portfolio of pages listing those that died in the pit. It was done as a project by Angela Gilder, a superb contribution to the archives of Chatterley Whitfield, Angela, thank you so much. If any of you want to see the pictures, I have a DVD of them and the original is safe stored off site. The project was for Angela’s Masters Degree and was in photography, here are a couple of examples of her work.
Great News! As we speak a new Web-site is being designed for us by the Students of Staffordshire University. We decided that the old website was difficult to keep up as few of us knew anything about adding information to it, so your committee made a commitment to have a new, easy to use website. None of us felt competent to do this and so we invested some money in getting the young (well 18 -24 year olds) students to develop a new website. This should be up and running in time for information about the next heritage open day. The committee, on your behalf have visited the university on several occasions to help the students understand our needs. In the end 11 different designs were offered for selection, each one had thought of ideas that other groups hadn’t and it was a difficult choice. I said to
Alistair the lead lecturer, “I could work easily with any of them”, so well done to the students, a great job thank you
To cut cost down, would members like to send their e-mail addresses to Geoff Oakes,
e-mail on front page, thank you.
1. Heritage Open Day 14th September 2012. to be confirmed. WE NEED YOU TO VOLUNTEER!!!!!
2. Apedale Heritage Event 15th 16th June we will be represented, more info from Jim Worgan.
3. Moseley Railways “Tracks to the Trenches” 12 -14th Sept 2014
4. Next Committee meetings to be held are, Thursday 2nd May 2013. and
Thursday 4th July 2013. at Chatterley Whitfield at 10:00am.
Returning to subscriptions, it was decided at the AGM the subscriptions should be reduced to £5-00. However, despite this huge reduction very few of you have paid the new reduced rate, so come on people please pay up. We have to live with Geoff getting set at the state of the bank account!!! The money is used to support the heritage day, the newsletter and for teas/coffee/ soup provided for anyone who wants to turn up to our Thursday meetings. Why not come along!!!!!
The cost of subscriptions will be as follow:- £5-00. Each for everyone children free.
Corporate members is still £50-00.
Don’t forget Heritage Open Day 14th September 2013. We need you to help with guiding, marshalling etc. so if you think you can give up some time to help us. It is always a great day and the general public who come along all say how much they enjoy it. So come on and join a happy band of people all ready to make 2013 even better then 2012.
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